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The global ecommerce
report Growth By Data

Monosnap Global eCommerce Growth Report - Google S.png

Your destination for unlocking the potential of ecommerce growth through Connected Commerce 

In order to move forward we first need to understand where we came from and what data can be used to help us in the future journies.

Combining all the data from every silo and channel  and sending insights through all touchpoints in real time is where we believe the real growth lies.


Lets work together and deliver a blueprint for growth

eCommerce Growth in 2025


Data Driven Retention


Cross Channel Data


Data Integration


Unleashing data

to create growth in


What is the Growth by Data Report

Growth-Sharks and The Growth Locker is Partnering with 30 different eCommerce Associations across the globe to deliver the first ever Growth by data report. The aim of this report is to understand and bench mark the use of data to create growth and how connected that data is eCom Logos

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